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New Google Ads are Tailored-Made and Highly Optimized

By Jeffrey Lunnen, Managing Director (LA) 

Google is taking machine learning to the max with its newest advertising innovations. Announced at a recent Google Marketing Live keynote, several updates are being rolled out just in time for the holiday shopping season –– and although they pack a lot of potential on their own, Google recommends collective use to get the ultimate return. Here’s what you can expect:

Ads For You, You and You

Targeting will be more important than ever this year, and with responsive search ads, brands have the ability to upload several version of an ad that target unique sub-audiences. By submitting multiple headlines (up to 15), descriptions (up to 4) and keyword triggers, this approach reaches more groups of users and increases real estate. In fact, the method has been shown to provide up to 15% more clicks on ads.

To take full advantage of these features, Google suggests making each version of your ad distinct and intentional. For example, focus on a different product benefit or content feature for each description. Also, include at least one keyword in each headlines, while still having enough variation between versions to catch the attention of different audiences.

How Do You Like Me...Now?

Google is also increasing their efforts to reach Millenials by investing in a new YouTube bidding strategy. The “Maximize Lift” option uses machine learning to target users that are more likely to consider a brand after seeing an advertisement. This might look like a beauty brand’s in-stream ads appearing at just the right time in an influencer “Get Ready With Me” or product review video.

According to Google, the strategy “Automatically adjusts bids at auction time to maximize the impact your video ads have on brand perception throughout the consumer journey.”

New video features for driving reach and action are also on the way. The seasoned TrueView feature that harnesses attention to online video ads (versus television ads) is getting a revamp that will allow viewers to input phone numbers and emails directly from in-stream advertisements.

Home is Where the Purchasing-Power Is

Finally, continued growth in “near me” searches and consumers’ continued tendency to make purchases in-store has given way to “Local Campaigns.” The goal of this feature is to drive visits to physical locations by automatically optimizing delivery across Search, YouTube, Maps and sites and applications within the Google network.

Just provide Google with your brand’s information and creative in its standard user-friendly fashion, and they’ll do the rest. This option is especially beneficial for promoting store visits during key times like events or promotions. Additionally, unlike the “Smart Campaigns” feature, this option is not specific to SMB. Brands world-wide will soon be able to utilize Local Campaigns.